Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Well, holy cow…we are in 2017!  Really? TWENTY SEVENTEEN!  I swear that just yesterday was whole the “Y2K” scare and suddenly Poof!  Fast forward sixteen years…it’s just crazy how time flies.  I can remember exactly what I was doing the night of December 31st, 1999.  My husband and I owned a bar back then and we had a big New Year’s Eve Party going on with a band and free buffet (to soak up all the booze). 🙂  What a great time that was – and to think we all thought the world’s computers were going to blow up with the dawning of a new century.  Clearly they didn’t.

As far as my card making goes, I am very happy to have survived the Christmas card exercise this year.  I managed to hand make and send around 40 cards.  For a few nights, I had a little help from my darling husband and as much as he would hate to admit it, I think he had fun.  I made a handful of designs – I am not one to mass produce because…well, BORING!…so I mixed it up quite a bit.  It was a successful and very rewarding undertaking for me – lots of really great remarks from people who I think genuinely appreciated them.

This picture encapsulates 9 of my most well-liked posts from Instagram last year, which I struggled with because honestly I think I have made at least 200 cards (if not more).  I started my Instagram account in November 2015 and since then I have posted 154 times and gained 134 followers.  Almost one new follower per post!  Well…here’s to a bright and beautiful 2017 with many many more cards to come.  Happy New Year!